Friday, March 30, 2012


I have not given up on establishing an international contact, and put out new feelers at the beginning of this week.  I have yet to receive a response, but will let you know if and when I do.
In the meantime, I listened to the Susan Lyon from the World Forum Radio.  She is instrumental in bringing Reggio Emilia philosophy to San Francisco and integrated that philosophy in her work with the Persidio Child Care Center.  She began the Innovative Teacher in the San Francisco Bay area.  She continues to work on behalf of children and as present is working to build and establish the first Italian immersion preschool.   I researched the Innovative Teacher website (, and was able to email her and ask two questions.  However, I have yet to hear a reply.  
In my research of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University Global Children’s Initiative website, I found the following global activities of interest:

ü  Un Buen Cornienzo (UBC), “A Good Start”
UBC is a group effort in Santiago, Chile, to increase the value of education for children from four to six years old through teacher development.  They also work to improve health issues, school attendance, and social/emotional development through the involvement of families in their child’s education.

ü  Nucleo Ciencia Pela Infancia (NCPI)
Center on the Developing Child and David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies both at Harvard University, Fundacao maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal, Faculty of medicine at the University of Sao Paula, and Insper work together to assist Brazilian scholars, policymakers, and civil society leaders in Brazil to establish a more equitable society.  They have an agenda of four activities to further their efforts.  Those activities are as follows:

·         Building a scientific agenda and community of scholars around early childhood development;
·         Synthesizing and translating scientific knowledge for application to social policy. This will include working with the Center’s longtime partner organization, Frameworks Institute, to effectively communicate the science of child development in the Brazilian cultural context;
·         Strengthening leadership around early childhood development through an executive leadership course for policymakers;
·         Translating and adapting the Center’s existing print and multimedia resources for a Brazilian audience (Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, (2012).

ü  With support from the World Bank, the Center has translated three videos in Spanish.  They are titled, InBrief: The Science of Earlly Childhood Development, InBrief: The Impact of Adversity on Children’s Development, and InBrief: The Foundations of Lifelong Health.  The videos focus on important issues in early childhood. 

Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. (2012). Global Children’s Initiative. Retrieved from

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Professional Development with NIEER

When I visit the NIEER website, I spend most of my time in the publications section.  I find myself drawn to the newsletter Hot Topics, videos, and policy briefs all located in the publication section of their website.  NIEER presents many modes of viewing current trends in early childhood, which are relevant to me as a professional in the education field.
One resource that I cannot seem to get out of my mind is the video, Preschool: America’s Best Investment.  In this production, W. Steve Barnett (an economist) talks about the findings from his research of preschool programs in the last twenty years.  Within this media presentation, he talks about how tax supported cost have grown tremendously over these last two decades due to an increase in special education programs, welfare programs, and the criminal justice system (Barnett, 2008).  He continues to relate how investing in young children now can curb that cost in the future with a 16% return on dollars invested in such programs (Barnett, 2008).  He also followed the High Scope study that compared two groups of children from the ages of 3 to 27.  Both groups where from poor families, and were from the same tough neighborhood.  They were treated equally with the exception that one group attended a high quality early education program and the other did not attend any preschool program.  The findings showed that the group who did not attend a program encountered more difficulties during their school years and needed more special services (Barnett, 2008).  By the age of 27, the other group (attended a high quality preschool program) were 80% less to have ever been arrested, earned 59% more, and were three times more likely to own their own home (Barnett, 2008).
The one statistic from the video that I found most interesting was the fact that research substantiates the need for early childhood education for all children.  James Rohr (CEO for PNC Financial Services Group) cited that one half of drop out students are from middle and high income families (Barnett, 2008).  I have always had the distinct impression that over half of drop outs were from low income and poverty families.  Knowing such data exists, can be a boon to the cause for early care and education.  I can picture more support from all levels of people if they know that all children would benefit from education early on.
As I listened to the voices of Barnett and Rohr, I was impressed that individuals from backgrounds other than early childhood were proponents of an organization that does not seem even remotely close to their world of understanding.  It gave me such a good feeling to know that others who are not educators are interested in children.  You may say that it is only because they are interested in the money aspect.  I do not believe that their hearts cannot be touched as they view the world of a child.  That is why I truly believe that it is through the voices of others that our desire for all children to succeed will be recognized.  
Other new insights for me were more reinforcements in others being involved in the early childhood arena.  It gives me confidence as I advocate for children.  That confidence comes from the reality that those not from the early childhood field understand the needs of children and families.

Barnett, W. S. (2008). Preschool: America’s best investment.  NIEER (National Institute for Early Education Research). Retrieved from  

Saturday, March 17, 2012

CHIP: Childhood Poverty Research and Policy Centre

The three items that I found most interesting on the CHIP website were the case studies, poverty reports about countries such as China, India, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia, and the photo gallery.

Until you see the numbers, read about the personal struggles, and look at photographs depicting the reality of life for those in poverty it seems surreal.

CHIP reports that over 600 children live in poverty worldwide and over 10 million children under the age of five still die every year from preventable diseases with a vast number of those children being from developing countries.  Those facts make it ever important for those of us who can to reach out and make a difference. 
CHIP has set some goals to be reached by 2015:
*      Halving poverty rates
*      Cutting by 2/3’s the deaths of children under five
*      Making sure all children complete at least the primary grades in school

It was particularly interesting to read case study of Nan Nan.  Nan Nan is a fourteen year old girl whose parents moved from rural China to urban China in hopes of better employment and to make a better life.  Nan Nan lived with her grandparents for a while before joining her father, mother, and brother in Hefei the capital of China’s Anhui province.  Nan Nan and her family describe the difficulties they face and how they do not feel like they have made enough change in their monetary situation to really make difference in their lives.  They also talk about having no friends in Hefei and that the city people do not treat them kindly.  Nan Nan’s mother says she often wonders why they moved to the city as she never has time for her children because of her long work hours as a fruit vendor, and they only see Nan Nan’s father once a month as he has to stay on the construction sites where he is employed. 

Nan Nan’s story is so sad, but so real.  In 2004, CHIP reported about China’s economic changes in transitioning to a market economy, and its effects on the living standards of it population.  They found that the wealth and living standards of many increased, while this rapid change affected the children in poverty adversely.  They are currently working on initiatives to expand their social security safety net and their social relief programs. 

I visited Beijing and Shanghai, China back in 2001.  I believe that was about the time they were beginning to make some changes.  At that time they were opening up their country to the vast world they had seemed to ignore for decades.  They were preparing to host the World Olympics.  As we visited their factories where citizens worked, I was amazed at the poor working conditions, and I was surprised that they would show us the living conditions of their most poor.  The one thing that I found interesting was that amid such inequality the people seemed to be proud and happy.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

NIEER an Informative Organization

Additional Investigation:
Once I really began to investigate the purpose and scope of NAECT (National Association of Early childhood Teacher Educators) (my first choice) I realized that this was not the organization for my beginning.  At first, I felt I wanted to research an organization that I could one day belong to, and NAECT could possibly be a program with depth and breath for a professional teacher.  However, I soon realized that NAECT was probably well beyond where I am now.  I ran across a small insert in their newsletter stating that they were an organization for early childhood professors who taught at four year institutions.  OK, I am not quite there. 
So, I spent this last week participating in deeper research from our list.  I began with the end in mind.  I knew I wanted an organization that not only aspired to leading individuals in the field to becoming professionals as well as providing information on current research and evidence of helpful words for professional teachers.  Therefore, I chose to change my venue to National Institute for Early Education Research.  I have listed their web site and online newsletter below. 

NIEER Focus:
The National Institute for Early Education Research is an organization dedicated to communicating current research data that will “support high quality, effective, early childhood education for all young children” (NIEER, 2012).   They provide information, guidance, and recommendations that is research-based to professionals such as; policy makers, journalists, researchers, and educators. 
They pride themselves on sustaining a vision for early childhood education that promotes excellence, is easily understood, and is valid for policy makers (NIEER, 2012). 
NIEER works together with policy makers at both the state and national level to pass along information supporting best practices, policies, and quality, develop strategies for research and communication to narrow the gaps in applying scientific knowledge to early education policy, form working partners with scholars and research institutions as they assign their staff to investigate new research and analysis, supply media agencies with “research-based perspective on breaking news”, strive to inspire national and state considerations on early education policies, and partner with other groups to working on collaborative inquiry plans and to make the public aware of  current policy and trends in early care and education (NIEER, 2012).

Hot Topic:
A topic that caught my attention was the idea of “kindergarten redshirting” which takes its name from college sports and has to do with parents choosing to hold their child back from kindergarten one year even though the child meets the birthday cutoff date in order for the child to have time to mature and be more ready before entering kindergarten (NIEER, 2012).    This news worthy report links you to a CBS’s 60 Minutes interview with Samuel Meisels (president of Erikson Institute) as well as staff members from 60 Minutes.  One interesting point made is the fact that demographics play a part in which children end up in “redshirting” with the majority being “Caucasian, male, and higher-income families” (NIEER, 2012).

Other Topics: 
Other news worthy issues addressed included, but were not limited to Education Reform: It Takes a Village (professionals from various states speak about the successes and challenges of educational reform), Third Grade Retention Laws Launch Debate (talks about literacy in the early grades is linked to later academic success of students), and Moving Past the No-Program Moniker? (discusses a bill in Indiana that would mandate state funded preschool (NIEER, 2012).
All are great topics and there are more.  I hope you will have time to visit the site.  It could be a great place for resources for this and other courses to come. 

National Institute for Early Education Research

National Institute for Early Education Research. (2012). Mission statement. Retrieved from

National Institute for Early Education Research. (2012). Hot topics. In the news: Delaying children’s entry to kindergarten. Retrieved from 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

This has been a fun and exciting exercise while at the same time being frustrating.

FRUSTRATING: I emailed over a dozen professionals listed on the NAEYC website: The Global Alliance of NAEYC has e-mail addresses for early childhood professionals worldwide: and had most of them come back as undeliverable.

REWARDING: I found a website in Canada:, which gives me access to childcare providers and early child professionals in Alberta, Canada. I was able to join their site and post a request for correspondence. I hope to hear from some of them soon. I will keep you appraised of any success I have. Please feel free to use their website, provided above, to contact them.

National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators
(Newsletter: )

I am looking forward to this assignment. This will be so much fun. I hope all my colleagues are having success and as much fun with this assignment as I am.  I hope to hear from all of you on your successes.